... Nice views of two historic Catholic churches belonging to a group of 16 iconic wooden churches... the Churches of Chiloé are outstanding examples of the successful fusion of European and indigenous cultural traditions to produce a unique form of wooden architecture... the Church of Our Lady of Sorrows of Dalcahue (left one) is located on the main plaza of the small town of Dalcahue... it was founded in 1849 and built on a former missionary chapel... the Church of Santa María de Loreto de Achao is the oldest traditional Chiloé church built around 1740 and survives almost intact from de Jesuit mission era... they were all built near the coast using locally cut cypress and larch wood... all joined wood, without nails... Thanks a lot Alex!ヽ(ヅ)ノ
Chiloé Island, also known as Greater Island of Chiloé, is the largest island of the Chiloé Archipelago. The island is located in southern Chile, in the Los Lagos Region and is referred to as the main island in the archipelago.
Out of 70 churches, 16 churches survived fires and natural disasters over the centuries, including the 1960 earthquake and tidal wave.The standing churches: Achao, Quinchao, Castro, Rilán, Nercón, Aldachildo, Ichuac, Detif, Vilupulli, Chonchi, Tenaún, Colo, San Juan, Dalcahue, Chellín, and Caguach were inscribed as UNESCO World Heritage sites in 2000.
Architecture - View of the Old and New Congress
(Issued 03-07-2011)
Mail Boxes
(Issued 21-10-2011)
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