Wednesday, September 18, 2024

MEXICO ~ Peña de Bernal monolith - Bernal ~

... Great view of the iconic and main attraction of the town, the Peña de Bernal massive monolith... it rises  433 meters and creates a staggering backdrop of the town... it is the third-tallest monolith in the world.... you can hike up 80% of the rock to an ample outlook point... it is an incredibly steep hike at an altitude of 2500 meter above sea level... with spectacular view of the town, sky, and surrounding mountains...  at the highest point there is a small chapel where many religious travelers like to leave offerings or pray to culminate the climb... located in the heart of Mexico, Peña de Bernal is a charming and picturesque pueblo mágico (magical town) has very colorful cobbled streets, architectural and artistic buildings... Thanks a lot Carlos!【ツ】

San Sebastián Bernal, better known as Bernal (Spanish: from Basque Vernal, "place of stones or boulders"), is a colonial village in the Mexican state of Querétaro. It was founded in 1642 by Spanish soldier Alonso Cabrera.

According to geologists, Peña was formed as the relic of a volcanic eruption from the Jurassic Period. The lava from the volcano's center is harder than the surrounding crater. Over the millennia, the softer rock eroded away, leaving us with the hardened lava.  

Translated from the Greek word “monolithos”, monolith means single stone. 

Photo: Carlos A. Estrada



Textile Art
(Issued 13-10-2023)

Tuesday, September 17, 2024

USA ~ Fort Gratiot Light Station - Port Huron - Michigan ~

... Lovely view of the Fort Gratiot Light Station... located next to the new Coast Guard Station and includes the Fort Gratiot Lighthouse... a significant landmark on the west bank of Lake Huron... it is the oldest standing lighthouse in Michigan and still active... the Coast Guard station and lighthouse watch over one of the busiest waterways in the world....the property also features a public beach and a park... weather permitting, the Fort Gratiot Light Station is one of the few operating lighthouses that allow visitors to climb to the tower and step out onto the catwalk for a breathtaking view... a unique vantage point of the U.S. and Canadian waters... Thanks a lot dear Andrene! (✿◠‿◠)

Photo: John Penrod

Fort Gratiot is located in Port Huron, by the Blue Water Bridge that goes into Canada. It was built in 1814 along the St. Clair River to defend the region during the War of 1812.  New lighthouse was built in 1829 north of the military fort in a better sighted location at the head of the St. Clair River.

The 86 ft light stands above the lake level in a conical stone tower, overlaid with red brick that has been painted white. The keeper's cottage and fog whistle house are red.


Flowers - African Daisy 
(Issued 14-03-2022)

Saturday, September 14, 2024

GERMANY ~ Ishtar Gate - Pergamonmuseum - Berlin - UNESCO ~

... Pretty view of a massive vibrant blue clay bricks gate with animal relief sculptures... it shows the upper part of the ancient eighth gate that used to guard an entrance to Babylon (in present-day Iraq) ... the most well-known landmark in the ancient city of Babylon... the gateway was excavated and then partly rebuilt at the Pergamon Museum after the end of the First World War in 1918... this magnificent structure offers a glimpse of the ancient city of Babylon and its rich history... as part of the ambitious Museum Island Master Plan, the museum is now completely closed to visitors... the institution is not scheduled to partially reopen until spring 2027  with some sections of the museum, including the famous Ishtar Gate, scheduled to stay closed until 2037...  Thanks Dustin!(✿◠‿◠)  

The Ishtar Gate was originally built during the reign of King Nebuchadnezzar II in the 6th century BCE as part of a larger complex of walls, gates, and palaces. This monumental structure served as a ceremonial passage and a symbol of the city’s might and religious devotion. Named after the goddess Ishtar, the gate was dedicated to her worship, reflecting the importance of fertility and love in Babylonian culture.

 In 1999, UNESCO designated Museum Island and its five museums as a World Heritage Site.


The 100th Anniversary of the Planetarium in Germany
(Issued 05-10-2023)

Friday, September 13, 2024

DJIBOUTI ~ Lake Assal - UNESCO tentative list ~

... Nice views of a unique crater, oval-shaped lake... at an altitude of 155 meters below sea level... the lowest point on the African continent... the salinity level of its waters is 10 times that of the sea, making it one of the most saline in the world... floating in the tranquil pristine waters of Lake Assal is an unforgettable experience... the lake offers also a picturesque panorama of untamed wilderness with rugged landscapes, volcanic formations, and vast salt flats... its awe-inspiring natural beauty, geological significance, and cultural heritage make it a unique destination... Lake Assal is undeniably important for the local economy in Djibouti... beyond exporting salt,( it is the world's largest salt reserve),the region has proposals to help boost tourism... and it arrived with a small mystery😉 three postmarks and only one stamp???😁... Thanks Stephane!【ツ】

The Lake is located in Central Djibouti in the Afar depression and was formed by the opening of the Great Rift Valley. The watershed area of the lake is 900km². It is 19km long and 6.5km wide. At its deepest point, the lake is 40m deep, but the mean depth of the lake is less than half of that, at 7.4 m deep.

The area consists of a dry part, a white plain dry lake bed, and the highly saline water body. The main source of water supply is subsurface geothermal springs with aquifers linked to sea water. Specialized algae and fish live in the lake. (the salinity is 348 per mille - for comparison, the Dead Sea has only 260 per mille).

Lake Assal was submitted in 2015 to the UNESCO Tentative List.  


2X ?????????

(Issued 18-12-2004)

Wednesday, September 11, 2024

GERMANY ~ Hohentübingen Castle - Tübingen ~

... Lovely view from the University of Tübingen Museum (MUT) part of an impressive castle located on a mountain spur... a Renaissance four-wing building with round towers... there are great panoramic views of Tübingen and surrounding countryside from the walls on several sides of the castle to the Swabian Jura... half of the castle is a museum, the other university departments... you can visit  the laboratory where Friedrich Miescher discovered DNA in 1869... with lovely "dog" stamp and another great first day postmark... Thanks Dustin!【ツ】

Build from 1037, it served as a castle in the Middle Ages. Until the 16th century, the castle was the residence of the dukes of Württemberg. 

Since 2006, the university's more than 60 collections have been united under an umbrella organization: the University of Tübingen MUT Museum. It is based in Hohentübingen Castle, where the castle laboratory and the Ancient Cultures collections are located. Also The Botanical Garden, the Paleontological Collection and the Psychological Collection.

The permanent exhibition covers 2000 m² and shows around 4500 exhibits from seven archaeological and cultural studies collections of the University of Tübingen, covering a cultural history period of around 40,000 years.

Fauna - Dogs 
(Issued 04-07-2024)

Tuesday, September 10, 2024

BULGARIA ~ Thracian Tomb Sveshtari - UNESCO ~

... Great Tomb postcard nr2... one of the most important and best-preserved archeological monuments in the country... a monument of Thracian art... the one at Sveshtari is younger than the tomb at Kazanlak... it has a different architectural style as well... the main chamber has ten incredible sculptures along the walls: half-female, half-plant human shaped columns, holding up the ceiling...these columns are by far the most fascinating and unique feature, and nothing similar has been found at any other Thracian graves....and with exquisitely painted murals... Thanks once more Mariyana! (✿◠‿◠) 

© Photo: Boyko Kalev, design Vlado Prangov

This 3rd century BC Thracian tomb is thought to be the tomb of Dromichaetes (c. 300 - c. 280 BC), king of the Getae, and his wife. It was discovered in the early 1980s.

The original structure of the tomb is made of limestone blocks and consists of three separate chambers covered by semi-cylindrical vaults. Its length is approximately 7.5 meters and the internal height reaches 4.45 meters. 

 The Thracian Tomb Sveshtari was declared a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1985.


 Bulgarian Natural Phenonmenon

Monday, September 9, 2024

BULGARIA ~ Thracian Tomb Kazanluk ~ UNESCO ~

... First great postcard of two showing the best places to explore Thracian history... the Thracian Tomb of Kazanluk and the Tomb of Sveshtari... the Kazanluk tomb itself is ornately decorated, and surprisingly small (about 3x3m). .. it's famous because of its unique frescoes of extremely high artistic value representing a Thracian couple at a ritual funeral feast... in order to preserve the frescoes as much as possible, the access to the original tomb is strictly forbidden... but that should be no problem, because there is an exact copy right next to the original one... Thanks a lot Mariyana!❀◕ ‿ ◕❀
© Photo: Boyko Kalev, design Vlado Prangov

Discovered in 1944, this tomb dates from the Hellenistic period, around the end of the 4th century BC.  and is believed to have belonged to the Thracian ruler Roigos.The Thracians are Indo-Europeans and began to emerge as a singular ethnic group around the middle of the 2nd Millennium BC. They primarily resided on the territories of modern-day Bulgaria, Romania, northern Greece and north-western Turkey.

The monument is a vaulted brickwork "beehive" (tholos) tomb, that used to be part of a large Thracian necropolis. It comprises a narrow corridor and a round burial chamber, both decorated with murals.

They were named an UNESCO world heritage site in 1979.


Bulgarian Natural Phenonmenon 

Friday, September 6, 2024

GERMANY ~ State Museum of Egyptian Art - Munich ~

... View of a museum housed in a spectacular underground building that evoke associations with temple rooms and royal tombs... the entrance looks like it is buried as an archaeological excavation underneath the green forecourt... home to one of the most esteemed collections of Ancient Egyptian objects in the world... it covers 5,000 years of Ancient Egyptian art and culture... about 2000 of more than 8000 objects are displayed permanently... there are also temporary exhibitions... on display are ancient Egyptian artifacts, statues, sculptures, objects of worship, papyri, stone tablets with hieroglyphs, jewels, amulets, but also mummies, textiles and household items... Thanks a lot Dustin! (✿◠‿◠)

The Museum in Munich's Kunstareal was opened in 2013. It offers some 1800 m² of exhibition space, with an additional 400 m² for special exhibitions.

The foundation of the collection goes back to the beginning of the 19th century. Bavarian king Ludwig I. had already begun acquiring monuments for his planned Glyptothek while he was still Crown Prince. 

The second pillar of the Museum of Egyptian Art in Munich’s current collection were the acquisitions made by the Bavarian Academy of Science, mostly coffins and stela.

© Staatliches Museum Ägyptischer Kunst
Photo: Marianne Franke


Time Travel Germany - The Brandenburg Gate 1988 vs 2014 
(Issued 04-01-2024)

Thursday, September 5, 2024

DJIBOUTI ~ Day Forest National Park - UNESCO tentative list

... Nice views of the oldest National Park in Djibouti... it is one of the lush regions of a largely dry country... a beautiful mixture of terrains... some is desert and parts are 1000m high canyons.... most of the trees are in the canyon areas... in spite of its status, the forest as a whole has been under long-term environmental threat... 88% of the Day Forest has been lost over the last two centuries, and more than 20% of the loss has occurred during the last 50 years... one of the main reasons for this demise is climate change... climate in this region is becoming increasingly hot and dry and not suitable for forest... another reason of danger is (as usual around the world) human activities... Thanks Stephane!【ツ】

The Park is located in the northern part of the country in the Goda Mountains (1783m) and was declared a national park in 1939.  It contains the remains of a primary forest that is the only forest in Djibouti with  a total area of approximately 5,900 hectares. The region is one of the very few forested areas of Djibouti, which taken as a whole is one of the least forested countries on Earth. 

The vegetation of the park features an ancient juniper forest, ficus, wild olive trees, boxwoods, dragon trees, and other native plants. The forest is also characterized by the presence of unique and exceptional animals, as it includes a number of endemic bird species, especially the Djibouti spurfowl.

Day Forest National Park was submitted in 2015 to the UNESCO Tentative List. 

National Emblem 
(Issued 18-12-2004)

(Issued 18-12-2004)

Wednesday, September 4, 2024

NORWAY ~ The Oseberg Ship - Oslo - UNESCO tentative list ~

... Beautiful view of the most famous and impressive ship of the Viking Ship Museum which is still nearly intact... a graceful boat with an elaborately carved prow and stern.... the vessel had been crushed by the weight of clay, turf, and stones under which it was buried... the blue clay of the mound preserved the wood, particularly the oak, ash, pine, and yew parts for longer than a millenium... in 1926, the delicate ship was moved to her new, custom-made home where she still stands today... now closed, but the museum will re-open in 2025 as a brand new and bigger one, giving more space to artifacts... Thanks a lot Kat!❀◕ ‿ ◕❀

© Photo: Mittet Foto AS

The Oseberg ship, was built in AD 820, buried in a grave mound 14 years later, and excavated in 1904. Shortly after the excavation, the 21.5m long and 5.0m wide ship was re-assembled and exhibited at the Viking Ship Museum, in Bygdøy, Oslo.

When the burial mound was excavated – it is named after the farm it was found on – the remains of two women were discovered, one of these must have held great rank to have such a grand send off.

Underneath the boat a chamber contained the most Viking-era finds ever to be found in Scandinavia.


EUROPA Stamp - Peace - The Highest Value of Humanity  
(Issued 09-05-2023)

Tuesday, September 3, 2024

GERMANY ~ Le Corbusier - Stuttgart - UNESCO ~

... Building designed by star architect Le Corbusier, part of the Weissenhof Estate in Stuttgart... his houses are scattered over the planet from France to Japan, and the preserved buildings got UNESCO recognition.... the structure is an accurate representation of Le Corbusier's concept of what a modern apartment block should look like... it showcase the architect’s contribution to modernism... originally derided, the homes today are considered architectural gems... in 2002, they were converted from residential units into a museum... well worth a visit if you are into architecture and design... with another cute stamp from the "Childhood Heroes" series and nice first day postmark👍...Thanks Dustin!【ツ】

Charles-Édouard Jeanneret (1887 -1965), known as Le Corbusier  was a Swiss-French architect, designer, painter, urban planner, writer, and one of the pioneers of what is now regarded as modern architecture. He was born in Switzerland and became a French citizen in 1930. His career spanned five decades, and he designed buildings in Europe, Japan, India, and North and South America.

Walter Gropius, Ludwig Mies van der Rohe, Hans Scharoun and Le Corbusier are just a few of the architects who designed parts of a model housing settlement for a 1927 exhibition called "The Dwelling".The designers' aim was to avoid the excesses of art nouveau, and create living space that was open, well-lit, and functional. 

The Architectural Work of Le Corbusier, an Outstanding Contribution to the Modern Movement became a WHS site since 2016.
© SPACE4 / Gonzalez


Heroes of Childhood 

Monday, September 2, 2024

HUNGARY ~ Our Lady Chapel - Pannonhalma Abbey - UNESCO ~

... Nice chapel view, part of a huge abbey that stands proudly on a hill above the village...  it's an example of an early Christian monastery that still is in use by Benedictine monks... one of the oldest and largest impressive historical complexes in Hungary... this place also holds educational buildings, a forest and botanical and herbal gardens... and also operates as a college especially for boys... it is one of the best educational institutions in the country...  this Millenary Benedictine Abbey and its surroundings are full of beautiful sights... Thanks a lot Bori!(✿◠‿◠)   

This Benedictine abbey was founded in 996 by Grand Prince Géza, father of Hungary’s first king, Stephen I. The monks here founded the country’s first school and, in 1055, wrote the first document in Hungarian.

The Chapel of our Lady, the building of which began in 1714, is situated at the top of the southern hill. It is single-aisled, 26 m by 10.9 m, rising to 5.58 m in the sanctuary. The nave is barrel-vaulted, and is joined to the sanctuary by a large triumphal arch. Its original Baroque interior was restored in Romantic style in 1865.

The Archabbey of Pannonhalma was added to the list of UNESCO World Hertitage sites in 1996.

Animal Cubs of Budapest Zoo
(Issued 09-08-2016)

Indigenous Hungarian Poultry Breeds
(Issued 25-03-2024)

Treasures of the Hungarian National Museum 
(Issued 03-08-2023)

Friday, August 30, 2024

GERMANY ~ Holderlin Tower - Tübingen ~

... Nice view of a charming yellow house built in the late 18th century situated on the Neckar river... this landmark of the city was once the home of the famous poet Friedrich Hölderlin... the three-story house has been turned into a museum honouring the life and work of the poet... he live here from 1807 until his death in 1843... this connection to the poet makes the tower a place of interest for literature enthusiasts and those interested in Hölderlin's life and works... yet his works and reputation are not widely known outside Germany... with lovely "dog" stamp and great first day postmark...  Thanks Dustin!【ツ】

Photo: Barbara Honner

Tübingen was founded in 1477 and is an historic university town on the banks of the river Neckar in the Stuttgart region of southern Germany.

Johann Christian Friedrich Hölderlin (1770 -1843) was a German poet and philosopher.  His work stands between Classicism and Romanticism.The poetry of Hölderlin, widely recognized today as one of the highest points of German literature, was little known or understood during his lifetime, and slipped into obscurity shortly after his death.


Fauna - Dogs
(Issued 04-07-2024)

Wednesday, August 28, 2024

GERMANY ~ Reichenau Island - UNESCO ~

... Pretty aerial view of an idyllic tiny island known for its Benedictine Monastery... a major tourist destination on Lake Constance, especially interesting for those who would like to find out more about early medieval times and monasteries... the monastic tradition can still be seen today in the unique religious festivals and processions that take place on the island... also famous for its vegetable fields, vineyards and views over Lake Constance and the Rhine... the island is ideal for cycling and walking tours... with nice stamps and great first day postmark... Thanks a lot Dustin!ヽ(•‿•)ノ

Photo: Achim Mende

Reichenau Island meaning "Rich Pasture", 5 km long and 1,6 wide is an island in Lake Constance in Southern Germany near the border of Switzerland.
The island founded in 724 became one of the great medieval intellectual and cultural centres of Europe. There are also three village churches, as remarkable for their early medieval architecture as for their wall paintings. 

The monastic island of Reichenau has been a UNESCO World Heritage Site since 2000.


Friedrichsort Lighthouse 
(Issued 07-07-2022)

(Issued 04-07-2024)

Monday, August 26, 2024

GREECE ~ Oia - Santorino ~

... Santorini is full of postcard-pefect views like this iconic viewpoint in Oia... Oia is considered the most picturesque village and holds the position of the most visited spot for sunset viewing, as it provides an excellent view of the well-known magical sunset🌅... probably the most famous sunset in the world.... this Cyclades island in the Aegean Sea looks like a place straight out of a fairy tale... with chalk-white buildings topped with cobalt-blue domes carved into cliffs,  labyrinth-like alleys, amazing hotels and sapphire waters... Heel Erg Bedankt Loes! (✿ ♥‿♥)

© Photos by Stravos&Kostas Marmatakis

Santorini (known locally as Thira) is the remnant of a volcano in the middle of the sea, which in the last 2 million years has erupted at least 12 times. As a result of devastating eruptions this island gets its unique shape like a crescent moon. According to legend, the island is formed from a strip of land that was thrown into the ocean from the Argo, the ship of Greek mythology. 

Oia is a small community on the island. Along the cliff of Oia, houses have been delved into the porous volcanic rock (left over from a large volcanic explosion many years ago that sunk the center of the island). Parts of these houses are visible and the scenery that results from it is generally perceived as being typically Greek.


Travelling in Greece
(Issued 29-06-2023)

Friday, August 23, 2024

LESOTHO ~ Thaba Putsoa Range Malealea ~

...  A spectacular mountainous landscape view specific for Lesotho... Malealea is a remote valley, set in the foothills of the Thaba Putsoa range with a height of 3,096 meters... this mountain range in central Lesotho is an excellent trekking location, with stunning mountain scenery amidst remote Basotho villages and their friendly, hospitable people... Malealea is a popular tourist destination because of all its fun-filled outdoor activities and attractions available... Thanks Alena!【ツ】

Lesotho goes by two names; officially the Kingdom of Lesotho and more affectionately Mountain Kingdom or Kingdom in the Sky, due to its elevation marked by rocky rolling mountains.

It is a democratic, sovereign and independent country as well as a landlocked. It is completely surrounded by South Africa and one of the three remaining monarchies in Africa.

Lesotho is the only independent state on earth which exists entirely above 1,000m.


(Issued 23-11-1998)

Frogs and Birds
(Issued 16-09-1994)

Thursday, August 22, 2024

GERMANY ~ Harhoog - Keitum - Sylt Island - UNESCO ~

... Beautiful view of a Stone Age grave and ancient witnesses of the village.... behind this megalithic monument, the tomb of Harhoog you see the Wadden Sea at high tide... it consists of a grave chamber with a rectangular border, a so-called long bed, and was built around 3000 BCE... Keitum, the former capital of Sylt, is a piece of living island history and the Frisian jewel on the mudflats... with great matching Sylt Island stamp and lovely first day postmark👍... Thanks Dustin! (✿◠‿◠)    

© Gernot Westendorf

Keitum is located on the Wadden Sea side of the island and stretches along the coast for around 3km. The village fronts on the sea at what is called the green cliff, a mostly vegetation-covered escarpment.

Sylt is Germany’s fourth largest island, shaped like a small strip in the Schleswig Holstein Wadden Sea National Park, covering an area of 99 square kilometers. On the eastern side is the North Sea and on the Western side is the Wadden Sea. It was once part of the mainland, and is still shrinking due to erosion from the North Sea and also originally part of Jutland (today Denmark and Schleswig-Holstein). 

Since 2009, the Wadden Sea around Sylt has been part of the UNESCO World Natural Heritage.


(Issued 06-06-2024)

Wednesday, August 21, 2024

USA ~ Monticello - Virginia - UNESCO ~

... Lovely view of the East front of the famous Thomas Jefferson house... a historical landmark and architectural icon of Virginia... after retiring from the presidency he lived most of his time at Monticello... it sits atop of a small mountain near his birthplace and means “little mountain” in Italian... it is one of the finest examples of the early Classical Revival style in the US... the house that is now a museum is a three-story brick building topped by an eight-sided dome... the octagonal dome was the first of its kind in the US... rows of columns surround the two main entrances... inside the house are 35 rooms and each room is a different shape... the grounds are meticulously maintained and it has working vegetable and flower gardens... Thanks Len!【ツ】

Thomas Jefferson (1743–1826), author of the American Declaration of Independence and third president of the United States, was also a talent architect. He began designing the house in 1768. Construction began soon afterward. It continued for more than 10 years. When Jefferson left for France in 1784, Monticello was mostly finished. While he was in France, Jefferson’s ideas about architecture changed. Many European architects were basing their designs on the buildings of ancient Rome. Jefferson decided to rebuild Monticello in a similar style. When he returned to the United States in 1789, he had much of the house torn down. The redesigned Monticello was completed in 1809. 

The Thomas Jefferson Memorial Foundation restored the house and its furniture. It also restored the orchard, vineyard, plantation, and vegetable garden that Jefferson had planted. 

Monticello was designated a World Heritage site by UNESCO in 1987 and is the only presidential or private home that became a UNESCO WHS site in the United States.


2X Pinatas
(Issued 23-09-2023)

Protect Sea Turtles
(Issued 11-06-2024)

Monday, August 19, 2024

NORWAY ~ Dovrefjell-Sunndalsfjella National Park ~

... Wonderful new National Park postcard👍... view of the Geiranger-Trollstigen tourist road... unfortunately the Trollstigen is closed for the rest of the year due to rock falls... highlights of the park are the pristine landscapes, majestic mountains, and unique wildlife... the dramatic Dovrefjell mountain range is blanketed with snow throughout the majority of the year... the striking summmits of this mountain range in the heart of the park towering over the luscious plains and valleys creates a diverse sanctuary of wilderness and wildlife... the park contains an almost intact ecosystem that includes wild reindeer, wolverines, arctic foxes, ravens and golden eagles, and the only Norwegian population of musk oxen also lives on Dovrefjell... Thanks a lot Cathrine! (✿◠‿◠)

Dovrefjell–Sunndalsfjella National Park was established in 2002 to replace and enlarge the former Dovrefjell National Park which had been established in 1974. The park occupies 1,693 square kilometres and encompasses areas in three Norwegian counties: Innlandet, Trøndelag, and Møre og Romsdal and includes large parts of the mountain range of Dovrefjell along with the Sunndalsfjella mountains.There are 10 additional protected areas, of which two are biotopes, that combine with the national park to create 4,366 sq km of wilderness that is protected for future generations.


(Issued 16-04-2010)

Saturday, August 10, 2024

BRAZIL ~ Pantanal - UNESCO ~

... Amazing nature view of the world's largest tropical wetland area and flooded grasslands... a wildlife haven and one of Brazil's biggest hidden gems... it floods in the wet season and therefore it is an extremely important unique ecosystem for the conservation of biological diversity and is a habitat for several worldwide threatened species... the abundance and diversity of its vegetation and animal life are spectacular... one of the many activities you can enjoy is a boat ride... it’s a great way to spot animals and enjoy the unique scenery of the area... unfortunately its headwaters, in particular, are at high risk... more than 55% of the Pantanal’s headwaters have already been deforested... Thanks Rute!【ツ】

© Daniel De Granville

The Pantanal Conservation Area consists of a cluster of four protected areas with a total area of 187,818 ha. Located in western central Brazil at the south-west corner of the State of Mato Grosso, the site represents 1.3% of Brazil's Pantanal region.

Around 95% of the Pantanal is under private ownership, the majority of which is used for cattle grazing and supports millions people in rural communities and distant cities. 

In 2000, the Special Reserves as well as the Pantanal National Park became UNESCO World Heritage Site.


(Issued 06-11-2006)

The 200th Anniversary of Independence 
(Issued 23-08-2021)

Wednesday, August 7, 2024

BULGARIA ~ Rila Monastery - UNESCO ~

... Great aerial view of one of the countries most important cultural, spiritual, historical and architectural monuments... it is the largest and most famous Eastern Orthodox monastery in Bulgaria.... considered to be one of the holiest places in the country... located in a remote and scenic setting in the Rila Mountain range, surrounded by lush green meadows, high peaks and seven lakes... its location, architectural history and rich culture attracts visitors from all around the world... this monastery has 4 floors and 400 rooms housing today around 60 monks... Rila monastery offers accommodation for pilgrims and tourists... Thanks a lot Mariyana!【ツ】
The Rila Monastery is located in the southwestern mountains of Bulgaria. It was founded in the 10thC by St. Ivan Rilski, a hermit who was venerated after his death in the year 946. The church preserves the coffin with the relics of the founder of the monastery, the 12thC Virgin Hodegetria (giving light) wonderworking icon and the grave of the last Bulgarian king, Boris III.

The Monastery spans over 8,800km2  and consists of several buildings, including a church, residential quarters, a museum, and a library. Its grandeur and size make it one of the largest Eastern Orthodox monasteries globally.

Rila Monastery became a UNESCO Heritage site in 1983.


Antique Clocks 
(Issued 20-02-2015)

2014 Mushrooms
(Issued 28-02-2014)

 Definitives - Field Flowers
(Issued 22-12-2023)

Monday, August 5, 2024

Andorra ~ Church of Sant Martí de Nagol~

... Nice view of a small Romanesque church located inside the cliff on one side, and overhanging the valley on the other... the church of Sant Martí de Nagol is mentioned for the first time in an old document from the year 1048... this small but fascinating church at an altitude of 1102 meters can only be accessed by crossing a steep path from the town of Nagol... seeing it clinging to the rock on a cliff high above the Valira valley is stunning... this postcard is with a stamp from the Spanish postal service... Thanks a lot Josep&Assumpta! ♥(ˆ⌣ˆԅ)  

Nagol is a population center in the Principality of Andorra located in the parish of Sant Julià de Lòria.

The semicircular apse is located on the north side and is also, to a large extent, embedded in the rock. Inside, the floor is cut directly on the rock and the presbytery is raised, taking advantage of the shape of the terrain. The church was restored at the beginning of the 80s, of the 20thC. 


Birds - Smoked Cotxa
(Issued 21-04-2023)

Friday, August 2, 2024

CANADA ~ Newfoundland Dories ~

... Beautiful artwork by Peter Sobol "from the Edge of the North Atlantic" that celebrate the rich cultural heritage of Newfoundland... he is a renowned visual artist in Newfoundland and Labrador, with a creative journey spanning over 30 years... drawing inspiration from the breathtaking natural landscapes that surround him, Peter's work reflects his deep appreciation for the wonders of Newfoundland's wildlife and coastal lifestyle... with lovely stamps and great clear postmark👍...Thanks Glenn! (✿◠‿◠)

Newfoundland dories were used as traditional fishing boats from the 1850s on the Grand Banks of Newfoundland. It is usually a lightweight boat with high sides, a flat bottom and sharp bows about 5 to 7 metres long. It is easy to build because of its simple lines. For centuries, the dory has been used both in coastal waters and in the open sea.

Mona Parsons
(Issued 07-11-2023)
(Issued 02-11-2023)

Donald Sutherland
(Issued 19-10-2023)

Wednesday, July 31, 2024

AUSTRIA ~Tyrolean Folk Art Museum - Innsbruck ~

​... Nice view of a farmhouse parlour... part of a perfectly-replicated farmhouse where you can discover how Tyroleans lived in the past.... the museum hosts the most important collection of cultural treasures from the Tiroler Heritage, which are including handicrafts and artisanry, painted chests, tools and nativity scenes... traditional costumes display the fashion varieties of the area... it is one of the oldest and finest regional heritage museums in Europe... Thanks Dustin!【ツ】
The Tyrolean Folk Art Museum is situated in the former Franciscan monastery, which is adjacent to the Innsbruck Court Church.

The museum  houses some 14 carefully restored wood-panelled parlours from the Gothic, Renaissance, Baroque and Rococo periods, originating from all regions of Tirol, including North Tyrol, South Tyrol and Trentin.


(Issued 04-05-2024)

Tuesday, July 30, 2024

SOUTH AFRICA ~ Boulders Beach - Simon's Town -Table Mountain National Park ~

... Wonderful South Africa postcard nr3😍... Boulders Beach is a sheltered beach made up of inlets between enormous ancient granite boulders, from which the name originated... it is home and nesting place to a large colony of delightful African Penguins🐧 and a must-visit destination for nature enthusiasts and animal lovers... seeing these adorable penguins waddle along the beach and swim in the crystal-clear waters is a truly unforgettable experience... it’s incredible to witness the harmony between humans and wildlife in this ecotourism hotspot... every year, over 60 000 visitors flock to Simon’s Town to photograph and watch these famous penguins... this leads to more money to help boost the penguin conservation efforts through South African National Parks... sadly the African Penguin has been classified as an endangered species, due to things like industrial fishing, habitat destruction, pollution... as for most of my African received postcards I donated money to charity to buy children's books for local libraries💙... Big Thanks once more Alena! (✿ ♥‿♥)

Boulders Beach is located just outside Cape Town. The first breeding pair arrived in 1982, settling on the soft white sand between the granite boulders that protect the beach from wind and waves. They decided to stay and since then, the population has grown to between 2,000 and 3,000 birds.These African penguins are only found on the coastlines of Southern Africa (South Africa and Namibia).

Boulders and its surrounding beaches now form part of the Table Mountain National Park Marine Protected Area, thus ensuring the beaches are safe and clean, and the penguins protected. 


Famous South African Diamonds
"The Golden Jubilee"
(Issued 19-09-2019)