Wednesday, May 15, 2024

SINGAPORE ~ Surrender Chambers - Fort Siloso - Sentosa Island ~

... Interesting view of the history of Singapore during World War II...  wax figures made by experts from Madame Tussaud's Wax Museum in London showing the scene of the Japanese surrender to the British forces at the Surrender Chambers... the Surrender Chamber exhibit was opened in 1974 at City Hall... Fort Siloso is a place well worth visiting... a truly moving piece of British history off Singapore... detailed models, true artefacts, buildings, tunnels and educational videos and experiences... and another culinair tip from Jobbo😉... the prawn mee at Hoe Nam on Upper Cross street in Potong are delicious😋... Thanks Jobbo!

Fort Siloso is a former military fortress located on Sentosa Island, an island resort off Singapore’s southern coast. The fortress was built in 1874 and was in service until 1965 and is now a museum.

The Japanese announced their surrender on 15 August 1945. The Japanese military in Singapore signed the instrument of surrender on 12 September 1945, officially ending three and a half years of occupation.


National Day 
(Issued 03-08-2018)

Singapore Sports Hub
(Issued 05-09-2014)

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