Wednesday, June 28, 2017

IRAN ~The Tomb of Cyrus - Pasargadae - UNESCO

... Beautiful UNESCO card nr2... view of Pasargadae's most famous monument... a fantastic place for those interested in ancient history... Cyrus II of Persia was one of the Greatest Man in History... a king who believed in human rights and freedom 2500 years ago... this ancient burial site is also believed to be one of the first earthquake-protected structures in the world... Big Thanks  Gian Luca and Raffaella!! ✿乂◕‿◕乂

Pasargadae covers the archaeological remains of the first capital of the Persian Empire located near shiraz in Fars Province. The settlement belongs to Achaemenid period and was built by The Great Cyrus 530 BC. The archaeological site of Pasargadae covers 1.6 square kilometres and it’s most important monument is Cyrus the Great’s tomb.

The Tomb of Cyrus is the burial place of the ancient Cyrus the Great of Persia and is believed to date back to the 4th century BC. It is made of white limestone and the tomb was surrounded with a royal garden and stone columns, some of which reach to 7 meters high.

The tomb is the oldest base-isolated structure in the world.(Base isolating is a form of seismic protection that allows the main structures of buildings to move independent of their foundations, allowing for more give in the case of an earthquake. Miraculously for its age, the Tomb of Cyrus appears to display these properties.)

The city has been listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 2004.


Herbal Plants
(Issued 2015)

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