WOW!!! Today I got an awsome... amazing... magnificent...beautiful... postcard of my favorite subject "Whales"...
But not only that... It is also a REAL WOOD card with a plesant cedar fregrance.
YES!! the fresh sent of real wood...(I wish you all could smell it too)...each card is unique, no two cards or grains will be exactly the same...
I can't thank you enough Laura for thinking of me when you saw this postcard!!'
...This card will be having a "special" place on my magnetboard in my study...:D:D
It is really true what I wrote on top of my blog: Thanks to my hobby I meet soooo nice people.... Thanks again!!
And also with such wonderful stamps and stamp cancellation! RED BAY NL-Home of the Basque Whales-15 may 2012
In comparison to the paper making process, it
requires less wood and other resources to make
wood cards than it does to make traditional
paper cards. Logs are hand selected and only
sourced from companies that employ
sustainable yield harvesting procedures.
The cards are composed of 100% authentic, unaltered, natural wood material. They continuously strives to minimize the environmental impact of all stages of the card manufacture. The production of our cards requires minimal amounts of energy, gas and water. In comparison to the paper making process, it requires less wood and other resources to make a wood (micro-veneer) cards than it does to make traditional paper cards.
One tree will produce thousands of cards!
More information:Curio Cards
Thank you for visiting!:D