Tuesday, August 6, 2013

CANADA ~Prince Edward Island-St. Peters Lighthouse~

...fantastic view of one of the more than 50 lighthouses on the island against dark and stormy clouds...a place I never heard of until I discovered that it is the home of  "Anne of Green Gable" a TV show I loved... Thanks a lot Rosie!!

With nice northern lights stamp and
60th anniversary of Queen’s Coronation stamp
 (Issued 08-05-2013)
© Photo John Morris
 Prince Edward Island, smallest of the ten Canadian provinces, is located in the southern part of the Gulf of St. Lawrence, separated from the mainland by the Northumberland Strait. The province is also called 'PEI' or simply 'the Island'. The capital city is Charlottetown. Prince Edward Island is Canada's greenest province and  famous for its red sand beaches, red soil and potatoes.

In Prince Edward Island it's hard to take a step without bumping into one larger than life, fictional character, Anne of Green Gables. Charlottetown  is devoted to all things about Anne. In  Cavendish in north-central P.E.I. you can  visit the Green Gables house. Lucy Maud Montgomery was one of Canada's most prolific writers, and Anne's whole imaginative world has been re-created here.

The St. Peters Island lighthouse was built in 1880 and was completed in time to be put in operation at the opening of navigation in 1881 and is 10.4 in height. This tower is typical of the broad-based, steeply-sloping short towers.


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks again... and also for visiting my blog ^__^

  2. Heya! Thanks for posting this. We have a similar shot to this with the northern lights in the background....same lighthouse but it's not in postcard format.


    The other postcard we do have with the northern lights and a lighthouse is of Covehead Harbour: http://lensmakeapicture.com/photo/564

    John Morris
    Owner/Lens Make A Picture

    1. THANK YOU for this fantastic photo...I visited your site and all the island pictures have something magical..breathtaking!
      Hope to go there someday. ^__^
