Friday, July 19, 2013

CHINA ~The Great Wall at Badaling-UNESCO ~

.... breathtaking view... miles and miles of make you think  how anyone in ancient times could built such a monumental structure in this mountain landscape...spectacular...
Thanks soooo much Kolly!!

The Great Wall has served as a symbol of the spirit of Chinese nation, precisely as what the saying goes: "He who has  never been to the The Great Wall is not a true man"

And with soooo nice stamps!!

Badaling Great Wall is situated in Yanqing County, over 70 kilometres (43 miles) north of Beijing. It is the most well-preserved section of the Great Wall, built during the Ming Dynasty. As the earliest part of the Great Wall opened to tourists, Badaling has drawn tens of millions of tourists both from home and abroad. More than 370 foreign leaders and celebrities have visited there.

The Great Wall is the grandest stone defensive construction in ancient China. Located in North China, it stems from Shanhaiguan Pass in the east and stretches to Jia Yu Guan in the west. With a total length of 6700 kilometers, it is also known as "A ten-thousand-li wall".The Great Wall is comprised of various defensive buildings including rampart, watch tower, oasis town, fortress, commanding station, Balefire stages. It is an integral defensive project system.They reflect the extraordinary engineering techniques of ancient China.

The Great Wall of China is considered to be the only man-made project visible from the moon.

In 1988, it was enlisted in the World Cultural Heritage List  by UNESCO.

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