... Beautiful view of a majestic tower that holds a big clock which can be seen from far... one of the earliest landmarks in the city... it is iconic for its Victorian-Gothic architecture modeled on London's Big Ben... with many impressive features and beautifully embellished with oriental figures... the construction was done with locally available buff coloured Kurla stone... the clock chimes every 15 minutes... it has become one of the major tourist destinations in Mumbai... Thanks a lot K.B. Dessai!【ツ】
Sir George Gilbert Scott designed it in the 1860s, and Premchand Roychand, a businessman and a stockbroker, financed its construction as a tribute to his mother Rajabai, hence the name.
Roychand wanted to ensure his blind mother would be able to have her food on time. And that’s why he got the clock tower built, with a bell to keep track of the time.
The Victorian Gothic and Art Deco Ensembles of Bombay is a collection of 19th-century Victorian Revival public and 20th-century Mumbai Art Deco private buildings in the Fort precinct of Mumbai, Maharashtra, India. This ensemble was declared a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 2018.
Photo: V.B. Anand
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