Thursday, March 26, 2020

NETHERLANDS ~ The Fabeltjeskrant - Mijnheer de Uil ~

... Probably one of my sweetest childhood TV memoriesđź’™... there can't be many Dutch person or Flemish of a certain age who didn't grow up while watching at least part of the series...  it was a daily recurring short broadcast just before children's bedtime about the daily events in the Grote Dierenbos in Fabeltjesland (the Fables newspaper)... the news was read out by Meneer de Uil🦉... some of the series' expressions and catchfrases have entered Dutch language, such as the famous "oogjes dicht en snaveltjes toe" ("now close your little eyes and your little beaks").... this is the last sentence of each episode... even today I can recite whole lines or sing the theme music...  the animals are all cute and their interaction is often funny, not just for kids, but for grown-ups too... with great matching stamp... Thanks a lot Nathalie!(✿ ♥‿♥)

Leen Valkenier created the show, which was first broadcast in 1968. By 1972 between one and two million viewers were enjoying tales from De Fabeltjeskrant on a daily basis.

In a nutshell, Meneer de Uil (Mr Owl) reads the newspaper every day to the animals living in the woods, such characters as Willem Bever (William the Beaver), Meneer de Raaf (Mr Raven) and Zoef de Haas (Zoef the Hare) Mevrouw de Ooievaar (Mrs. Stork), Lowieke de Vos (Lowieke the Fox)...

They were originally stories from the fables by Lafontaine, but they evolved to a series of their own.

In 2005 De Fabeltjeskrant was chosen as the best Dutch TV series for kids in the 20th century.


TV Shows - The 50th Anniversary of Fabeltjeskrant
(Issued 23-07-2018)

2008 Dutch Leprechauns
(Issued 01-10-2008)

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