Friday, July 5, 2024

TUNISIA ~ Douz ~

... Lovely illustrated map showing famous sights... and panoramic desert view of a small charming oasis city referred to as the "Gateway to the Sahara"... as you enter it, a captivating landscape of golden sand dunes stretches endlessly before you... Douz is a popular destination for tourists looking to experience the desert, either by camel, motorcycle or four-wheel drive... this region offers an enthralling mix of natural beauty and cultural heritage... Thanks a lot Jamel!【ツ】 
Douz is a town located in central Tunisia. It is a major palm oasis and as such a large producer of "diglat noor" dates. 

Tunisia is located in North African and borders Algeria, Libya and the Mediterranean Sea.  It also shares maritime borders with Italy through the islands of Sicily, Sardinia  and Malta. Tunisia belongs to the Maghreb states - together with Algeria, Morocco and Libya. Of these it is the smallest country.


 2X Marine Biology in Tunisia 
(Issued 01-05-2021)

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