Tuesday, March 6, 2012

BELGIUM ~ Condroz-Yvoir~

...You not always have to go far to see amazing views...this postcard shows a very beautiful and green part in my country, nearby the Ardens... the surprising Condroz! It's a region in the French part of Belgium, where there are lots of possibilities to do outdoor activities, its a paradise for walkaholics and cyclists... and there are some majectic old castles, gardens and abbeys to visit. The hidden Valley of the Molignée and the tremendous upper course of the river "the Maas" are a real must to discover. As well as all that the Condroz has a few typical villages, which are known as the most beautiful artisanal villages of the province of Namur.

Panoramic view from the ruins of Poilvache on the river "the Maas" and the valley, it is a Natural state Park since 1976.
Our Wonderful World Tuesday
This is a post for "Our Wonderful World Tuesday" hosted on Jocelyn's Blog Cuckootree.


  1. Oh my gosh - that is gorgeous! So green!

  2. Just the name - Valley of Fortresses and Castles - would make me want to visit, even before seeing the beautiful picture.

  3. It's a fantastic view! I hope to can get there in the future!
    Best wishes,
