... Great view of rock art of the First Nations Peoples... this rock art depicts finely painted human figures in elaborate dress with a rich range of artefacts, including clothing, spears, boomerangs, dilly bags and ornaments... they tell of human life and adventures in stunning, elegant fashion... Gwion figures are usually a wine red, a hue that has been described as “cherry” or “mulberry-colored... they are thought to be at least 17,000, perhaps more than 25,000 years old... these paintings, possibly the oldest form of art in the world (and the oldest depictions of humans), are still shrouded in mystery... Thanks Jo!【ツ】
Photo: Wunambal Aboriginal Corporation
The term “Gwion” refers to a type of figurative pictogram found in northwestern Australia, especially the sandstone of the Kimberley Plateau of the cultural groups of the Wandjina Wunggurr community.
The Gwion Gwion rock art – known also as "the Bradshaws" was named after Joseph Bradshaw, who found them in 1891. Spread over an enormous area, around 50,000km², there are literally hundreds of thousands of gallery sites in the Kimberley of both the ancient Gwion Gwion artwork and Wandjina images that also date back many thousands of years.
Prestamped postcard