
Monday, January 4, 2016

GERMANY ~Aachen -

...My first "postcard" blog post in 2016 and hopefully the start of many more coming from far away and nearby interesting places(ツ)...a nice streeetview of the old city centre from a neighbouring country of me...
Thanks a lot Johan!!(

Aachen is situated directly on the border with Belgium and the Netherlands in a former coal-mining area.

Aachen's industries include science, engineering and information technology.

The city is home to a large and highly regarded university (especially for technical fields such as mechanical engineering).

Historically this spa-town was a prominent city, the place where the German Kings were crowned, and a famously favoured residence of Charlemagne who still lies buried in the impressive cathedral he himself had built.

Photo: Bernd Schröder


(Issued 02-01-2015)

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