
Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Palestine ~The Apartheid Wall Graffiti Art ~

...Wonderful sweet, sad and also hopeful view...I'm not into politics but I don't think building walls between countries or people are the solution in conflicts...more tolerance, brotherhood and simply humanity would make the world such a nicer place웃❤유... Thanks a lot Justine!!

Backside postcard:
85% of the wall cuts deep into the West Bank, and when fully complete will annex 46% of the West Bank. It is 8m high, twice the height of Berlin Wall, with watchtowers, electric fences, cameras and military patrols.

This beautiful artwork "The girl with the Balloons" from " Banksy" (situated on the Palestinian side of the West Bank Wall) shows a little girl looking upwards escaping over the wall.

For Palestinians the wall has become a blank canvas on which they write messages and construct images reflecting their day-to-day struggles and feelings of imprisonment.(leuenberger 2011)


(Issued 01-08-2011)

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