
Friday, October 15, 2021

GERMANY ~ The Georg Eckert Institute (GEI) ~

... This postcard was bought at the Institute... the Georg Eckert Institute for International Textbook Research (GEI) is one of the best known institutions devoted to research on textbooks and educational media... one of a kind in Germany... the mission of the Institute from the beginning up to the present day is building a better society through textbook research... for all the scholars in the field of textbook studies this Institute is a very important point of reference... with interesting stamp and special postmark celebrating the 150th birthday Hildegard Wegscheider👍... a German teacher, school reformer, politician and women's rights activist... Thanks a lot Dustin! ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

From backside postcard:

The Georg Eckert Institute produces the multilingual digital edition WorldViews. Cooperating with an international network of researchers, we provide original language textbook excerpts (with German and English translations) along with contextual material. Our edition shows different perspectives from around the world on national and global phenomena throughout history.

Its main attraction is the Research Library, with an internationally unique collection of textbooks from the areas of history, social studies / civics, geography and ethics / religion. With the information and communication portal Edumeres , the GEI provides virtual access to current information, publications and data from research on textbooks and educational media, organized into several modules.



The 150th Anniversary of the Birth of Hildegard Wegscheider, 1871-1953 
(Issued 02-09-2021)

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