
Monday, September 7, 2020

FRANCE ~ Bordeaux - UNESCO ~

.... Wonderful evening view of Place de la Bourse... this is an impressive open square on the bank of the river... the square is ringed with beautifully designed large windowed buildings... one of the city's most famous sights... the beauty of Place de la Bourse becomes dreamlike when it is reflected in "le miroir d’eau" or water mirror... this 130 meter long and 42 meter wide set of granite slabs is the largest reflecting pool in the world... little springlers provide with water on the floor keeping this always wet.. it works only from April to October, and it is the most-photographed site... Thanks a lot Chantal!❀◕ ‿ ◕❀

Bordeaux  is a port city on the Garonne in Southwestern France and the sixth largest city of the country.

Place de la Bourse dating from the 18thC is a royal square dedicated to the reigning king of the time, King Louis XV. It is located on the left bank of the old city of Bordeaux overlooking the Garonne River.

Since its inauguration in 2006, the water mirror has been completely adopted by the inhabitants of Bordeaux.

The city and port of Bordeaux were listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 2007. This "outstanding example of innovative classical and neoclassical trends" is the world-largest urban area inscribed at UNESCO (40% of the city surface).


Marianne - New Design 
(Issued 2007-2018)
The 100th Anniversary of the Bordeaux "Ceres" 
(Issued 07-11-1970)

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