
Tuesday, May 7, 2019

SINGAPORE ~ Bicycle rickshaw ~

... Singapore today... an Asian icon... coming in all shapes and sizes, cycle rickshaws are not as popular as a mode of transport as they used to be but nonetheless, they are still a common sight in many Asian countries... mostly in use at tourist areas for tourists while exploring the city... historically not as old as you should expecting...  the cycle rickshaw was first developed in Asia in the 1880s but was not used with any regularity until the late 1920s starting in Singapore... when I had a closer look I saw that he is shaving outdoors🙂... resting and waiting for a client... Thanks a lot Jobbo!✿◕ ‿ ◕✿

Photo:© R. Ian Lloyd

The cycle rickshaw is a small-scale local means of transport; it is also known by a variety of other names such as bike taxi, velotaxi, pedicab, bikecab, cyclo, beca, becak, trisikad, tricycle taxi, or trishaw.

Cycle rickshaws are human-powered by pedaling, though some are equipped with an electric motor to assist the drive.  They are a type of tricycle designed to carry passengers on a for-hire basis.


(Issued 04-07-1990)

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