
Friday, March 1, 2019

DOMINICA ~ Traditonal Dress ~

... Really thought all Caribbean postcards had arrived... but found some more lovely ones in my mailbox today😄... beautiful view of a woman in a ceremonial dress... worn mainly during National Independence Celebrations, parades and to perform traditional dances... the design and colors are based on the culture and customs of African countries... due to slaves that were brought to the Caribbean islands... and also mixed with European colonizers’ outfits... Thanks a lot Glenn!!ヽ(ヅ)ノ→ gemsworldpostcards

This long elegant dress is made with an uninterrupted length of fabric at the front, reaching to the tips of the shoes, which is gathered or pleated and sewn down at the shoulders.The dress opens in front to the waistline.

A variety of cuts are used for the neck e.g., high and round, square, 'V' shaped and sweetheart shaped. Two bands on either side of the waist are tied or pinned at the front.

 To prevent the 'tail' from trailing on the ground the matador gathered up the fabric of the mawlet and secured it under her arm in a swift and deliberate movement.

Photo: Cecil Clarke


(Issued 2012)

NASA VIKING 1 Mars Lander Spacecraft Exploration Space
(Issued ????)

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