
Thursday, July 21, 2016

GERMANY ~ Speicherstadt - UNESCO ~

...A great postcard coming from a neighbouring country showing the most popular landmark in Hamburg...a beautiful 'little water castle', set on the tip of a peninsula between two fleets...Thanks a lot Dustin!!¯\_(ツ)_/¯
"Hollandfleet and Wandrahmsfleet at Speicherstadt"

The Speicherstadt (city of warehouse in German) is the largest historic brick warehouse district in the world built on timber-pile foundations. The construction started in 1883.

Stretching for at least 1.5 kilometres, it is connected by canals which lap against the foundations of the large buildings on either side.All of the buildings face water on one side and street on the other for convenient delivery. Goods handled were mostly coffee, tee and carpets.

Today this watery warehouse district still functions as actual warehouses, alongside museums, offices and apartments.

It has been awarded the status of UNESCO World Heritage Site on 5 July 2015.

"Ecology in Europe - Think Green"
(Issued 02-05-2016)

Floral series - Marigold
(Issued 07-07-2005)

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