
Monday, July 25, 2016

CANADA ~ Georgian Bay Islands National Park ~

...Great new National of five in Ontario...a wilder side of Canada and  a wonderful place for paddlers to explore...P.S It's only thanks so many nice people like you that my blogs looks am***ng as you saidツ... Thanks so much Andrene!! ʘ͜͡ʘ
Photo: ©Paul Madden
"The granite rock formations and windswept Eastern While Pine are characteristic of the islands and much of the shoreline of Georgian Bay."

Georgian Bay Islands National Park is composed of 63 windswept islands at the southern end of the Georgian Bay. This tiny park (13.5 square km) is part of the largest group of fresh-water islands in the world and was established in 1929.

The park can only be reached by boat; there are limited camping facilities on the largest island, Beausoleil Island.

The park provides habitat for 33 species of reptiles and amphibians, including the threatened eastern Massasauga Rattlesnake. Some of the more isolated islands provide nesting areas for colonies of gulls and terns.


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