
Tuesday, June 21, 2016

CANADA ~ Wood Buffalo National Park - UNESCO

...Interesting aerial view showing one more of Canada's natural treasures....a sea of ponds...prepaid  UNESCO postcard with matching stamp...Big thanks Andron for this new addition to my National Parks collection!! (P.S. for me there are no "ugly" postcards (◕‿-))
Lara Minja, Lime Design

Wood Buffalo National Park  is the country's largest national park and one of the largest in the world. It was established in 1922 and  it is home to one of the last remaining free-roaming wood bison herds in the world, the nesting habitat for endangered whooping cranes, and the world’s largest beaver dam.

As Canada’s largest park, the site is known for its vast area which includes a boreal forest and plains, some of the largest undisturbed grass and sedge meadows left in North America.

Flowing through the park is the Peace River, Athabasca River and Slave Lake forming one of the world's largest inland freshwater deltas supporting a variety of waterfowl species.


World Heritage Sites in Canada III
(Issued 03-07-2015)

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