
Monday, May 23, 2016

ITALY ~ Palace of Venaria - UNESCO ~

...Beautiful winter scene of one of the largest royal residences in the world... a great Baroque estate restored (the largest restoration ever undertaken by the EU to conserve cultural property) to its former glory and with breathtaking gardens... Thank you very much Gian Luca and Raffaella!! ♥‿♥

The Palace of Venaria  is a former royal residence located in Venaria Reale, near Turin, in Piedmont, northern Italy. It is one of the Residences of the Royal House of Savoy, included in the UNESCO Heritage List in 1997.

 The Palace was designed and built from 167, commissioned by duke Charles Emmanuel II, who needed a base for his hunting expeditions in the heathy hill country north of Turin. The name itself derives from Latin, Venatio Regia meaning "Royal Hunt".

It is one of the Residences of the Royal House of Savoy, included in the UNESCO Heritage List in 1997.


Pope Francis
(Issued 07-12-2015)

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