
Tuesday, August 25, 2015

SINGAPORE ~The Penny Black pub- 2015 World stamp Exhibition ~

...Never thought this nice panoramic postcard came from Singapore wen I first saw it...a traditional English pub view...with beautiful colorful large stamp and special cancellation...Big Thanks Ravindra!!

Located in  Boat Quay, this Victorian pub was designed and built in England by master craftsmen and shipped piece by piece to Singapore where it was re-assembled by the same craftsmen.

The name “Penny Black”  comes from the world’s first ever self-adhesive postage stamp, first issued on the 6th May 1840.


Flora and Fauna - Gardens by the Bay
(Issued 28-06-2012)

SINGAPORE 2015 is the 3rd World Stamp Exhibition to be held in Singapore. It is to be held in conjunction with Singapore's 50th Year of Independence, with the full support and patronage of the Federation lnternationale de Philatelie (FIP) and under the auspices of the Federation of Inter-Asian Philately (FIAP).

The logo comprises of the name of the exhibition SINGAPORE 2015 together with the Lion Head symbol of the nation and four wavy lines representing the sea, bracketed by two symmetric edges of a postage stamp, one on the top and another at the bottom. It symbolises the world stamp exhibition in Singapore in the year 2015.

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